Food for Thought 2010

Food for Thought 2010: “If You Love Somebody…”

“…they shouldn’t make you cry, they should be worth crying over.” At the end of 2009, Heather made this jar for me as a Christmas gift. She gathered, typed, and cut out 365 random thoughts so that each day of 2010, I could have something funny, weird, or inspirational to read. That was quite a transitional year for both of us, together and individually. Heather got married in a foreign country! And we celebrated her with a shower, a bachelorette party in over 2 feet of snow, a wedding in Honduras, and a reception in the city. As for me, I got reacquainted with Baltimore again after hightailing it out of San Diego. Somewhere in between the wedding festivities, while on the shores of breathtaking Roatan, I figured I didn’t want to live in Baltimore all that much really (no beach) and I decided to move to Ocean City. On my own. At age 29. 

That year, 2010, was one of the most pivotal of my life. I can pinpoint that that was the year I truly got to know and love myself. I became part of a second home in OC and a second family at the Clarion. I had my own apartment at the beach, and this jar sat on the table next to my blue flowered couch, as a conversation piece among the many new friends I made and entertained. I took after my mother as a hostess, and I always had miller lite, orange crush fixings, and sour cream in the fridge. This jar just signified a bright future where you could draw any fortune and be comforted by the past at the same time. 

Now I am in the throes of another very important year. I’m getting married. I’m already becoming a stepmother. I’m journeying to some new places. I’m going to see NKOTB in concert for the first time. No matter where I go in life, I think I will always be reflective on 2010. Last year, I reminded Heather that I still had this jar and that I still dug into it randomly every now and then. She suggested that if we ever needed inspiration, to just pull out a thought and write about how we felt about it as if it was a topic sentence for a fifth-grade essay. As this is the first one in this new series, I’m not going to delve too deep into it. I am excited to know that I pretty much have no danger of becoming at a loss for words when it comes to blog material. I have this jar.

“If you love somebody, they shouldn’t make you cry, they should be worth crying over.

So anyway, I think it’s fitting that this quote came up. I am in love with somebody who never makes me cry, but who comforts me when I do let go. Tears are really just a culmination of emotions built up, whether you are happy or sad. My guy fills me with emotion every day and I am 100% positive that he is worth crying for.

Only 364 more thoughts to go…

One Comment

  • Bethany M

    Whoever originally said it was right! The ones that ruin your eye make-up are never worth it and the ones that are worth it, never make you cry. Another quote that I totally love is this one: “My guy fills me with emotion every day and I am 100% positive that he is worth crying for.” But, I know who said that one first. Nice!

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