

I’m a bartender. I’m an editor. I’m a . . . barteditor??? I’m practically superwoman. Would you believe that not only can I make a mean Caipirinha, but that I know how to spell Caipirinha? I’ve lived with Brazilians. I know about seven words in Portuguese. Hospitality is my business. You know where and when to find me behind the bar. I also work private events so contact me to bartend, serve, decorate, etc. and basically make your affair awesome.

Grammar Girl

I write, edit, and sling drinks. Not usually at the same time. As a kid, I read the newspaper with a red pen, circling typos. Naturally, I was editor-in-chief of my high school paper and went on to various positions in publishing and media. I recently worked for two of Baltimore’s most prestigious educational institutions: Johns Hopkins University and Calvert Education. I am currently doing projects for Hopkins on a freelance basis and get to work with some fantastic people.

Web Woman

I started creating my own websites in the 90s starting with a Sublime fan page on Geocities. My travel site really took off in 2008 (unfortunately it went to a graveyard in the stratosphere when I let the domain expire), but I relaunched On the Beach Somewhere in 2019 with a new look, highlighting all my travel experiences and reviews. I have also developed a few commercial projects for friends and family. See my sites on my Links page.