Healthy Schmealthy,  Sweating for the Wedding

Fitbit Goal Crushing: Day 2

I have been a Fitbit user and lover for a few months, but it really stepped up this past Christmas when I was gifted the new Charge 2, in a shade of mint, of course!!! Unfortunately, I caught the “plague” along with everyone else in my world, and I was down with a stomach bug and then an ear infection right after Christmas and through the new year. So much for starting “sweating for the wedding” on Jan 2 like my fiancé and I planned. Instead, I logged around 1K steps/day as I pitifully lounged around the house. But now I’m back in action and I’m on a quest to make all 5 of these categories green every day. The challenge has been burning the calories. Right now I’m sitting on the couch watching Jurassic Park 2 and taking a break from freestyle dancing around my bedroom. For my next burn, I’m going to check out the workouts on Amazon Prime. At least I won’t be bumping into anyone like at the Zumba class at the Y.

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