Healthy Schmealthy

Dry January

It’s January, and I am certainly not the only one catapulting into the New Year New You fitness craze reinvention. I think it’s time I get back into writing and I know people absolutely love to read about and watch other people’s weight-loss triumphs and failures. I myself am watching both The Biggest Loser and My Diet Is Better Than Yours. I just read this awesome post on Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms about mastering 10,000 steps a day and I was inspired to share my latest journey! Thanks ladies!

If you read my last Smoothie Queen post, you know that I work in a cubicle and I commute up to 2 hours a day. I also love my couch. Sedentary is my way of life. 🙁 It was not always this way! I burned calories at work, up and down steps with ice bins and cases of beer, weaving through tables like an obstacle course, even trotting on the beach to get to my customers. Sadly, this calorie-crushing occupation is a thing of my past. My bar gig keeps me from ballooning up too much (except for the delicious Italian food at 11pm *fail* but that’s only 2 nights a week). What am I gonna do in the here and now besides complain about how I got here? I have a multifaceted plan.

  • Drink a gallon of water a day. Read more on this in my H20 Gallon a Day Challenge post.
  • Cut out ALL other beverages for at least 30 days. No Pepsi. NO alcohol.
    I’ve had a few sips of coffee and club soda, but that’s it. This has not been difficult so far but I have 2 weekend trips coming up that I fear will be tempting.
  • Do not eat late at night. Sounds easy to do this one, but I crave pasta and pizza after my shifts. I have fallen off this wagon already thus far.
  • Incorporate some exercise at least once a week. Workout freaks are probably screaming at me. Once a week? That’s not enough. No kidding, but I do not like working out, nor do I have much time with commuting between two jobs. I love the idea of burning calories when I don’t realize I’m doing it, like sightseeing, serving tables, or dancing. I have not yet been able to get motivated to jumpstart working out. I have been trying to get out and walk around the building after lunch but even that is hard with the cold and getting time away from my desk.
  • Accountability is the key to this plan and absolutely will not work unless I tell everybody what I’m doing. I’m not asking you to take the chip out of my mouth, but I will be less inclined to eat the chips if I know you will judge me:).
  • Listen to inspiring podcasts in the car. It is difficult to enjoy a sausage egg croissant while Abel James interviews awesome nutrition and wellness experts on Fat-Burning Man, my new favorite podcast now that I am caught up on Serial and Undisclosed. I’m getting ideas about lifestyle and recipes while training myself not to eat junk in the car.
  • Tone down or toss out the Friday night takeout binge. No one likes to cook on Friday nights after commuting. However, now that I am filling up with water, I am less hungry for dinner when the time comes. I’ve been able to reach for leftovers or frozen veggies in that pinch instead of Chinese or pasta. You just have to have something easy in the fridge or pantry for this to work. It also helps that I’ve been making an effort to eat a healthy breakfast and lunch. My cravings have really torpedoed since I gave up soda and alcohol and started making healthier choices.

Two weeks in, I am feeling incredibly optimistic and inspired by my progress so far. I have lost 5 lbs! I imagine adding more exercise to this lifestyle change would really benefit me even more and I’m willing to go down that road. When I have time. Sigh.

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