5 Things I'm Into,  Randomness,  Reviews

5 Things I’m Into: FRIENDS

I know what you are thinking. There are only 6 Friends, so this is lame. But there is one person who doesn’t make the cut and just has to be left off—because he is The Worst. You know who I am talking about. “Pivot.” If I could convey gestures in print, I would be doing the “keep it down” hand motion.

If you have ever met me, you know that this is my all-time favorite show and I have seen every episode so many times that I can quote it. Lucky for me it’s in reruns on multiple stations (even MTV, what?) and there is Netflix and such, so every day can be Friendly. In order of preference, here are my best Friends. I’ll be there for you.

1. Monica. She is my top favorite and there is a close second, but she is just so in a class by herself. She’s unapologetically a spastic snarky confident crazy chick. She really came into her own when she had to start sneaking around with Chandler and I love her best when she had to explain to the group that she had set up the video camera to entice Joey and kept his underpants, because “I’m Monica.”

2. Chandler. He was my original favorite and it’s hard not to like him and appreciate how he went from dork to slightly cooler dork with a hot wife. “This is Chandler Bing, this is Chandler Bing. Yes, the groom. No, not the groom.”

3. Joey. “How you doin’?” I mean come on, he’s just a lovable “Hugsy” type of guy who licks spoons and puts them back in the drawer. He was the only one who managed to escape Janice. Probably because he wanted to pull off his own arm so he could have something to throw at her after “Joey and Janice’s Day of Fun.” And by the way Joey, there is no Count Rushmore.

4. Phoebe. My favorite word used to be “interesting” and that is pretty much the best way to describe this chick, whose alter ego is “Regina Phalange.” She evolved quite a bit from chewing on her hair and finding a thumb in a can of soda. She married Paul Rudd (yes, please!) in a romantic freezing street scene and he called her “wonderfully weird.” He’s her lobster.

5. Rachel. She totally grew on me when she became a career woman and chucked Ross. She had a lot of endearing qualities like being afraid of eye drops and not being allowed to borrow Monica’s stuff. I’m kind of sorry she ended up with Ross, but I guess it was meant to be and it was like “the end of an era.”

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