5 Things I'm Into,  Healthy Schmealthy,  Sweating for the Wedding

5 Things I’m Into: Free Workouts

1. Just Dance Xbox game. This was a Christmas gift that has proven that it’s fun for the whole family! But when I’m home alone, I turn on the auto playlist and I can do 3-10 songs in a row without stopping to figure out how to use the controller.

2. My parents’ 25-year-old treadmill. This relic was transported to my basement after my dad said, “Please get it out of my house. Put it in your hatchback today if you can.” Unfortunately, the emergency key that actually makes it go was lost in the shuffle. No worries, my fiancé rigged the hole with a magnet! I should marry that guy. Good to go! Life hack. Now what to do with the bedroom TV that’s on the fritz? Don’t put it on the curb, put it in front of the treadmill and hook up the dusty Apple TV. I’m catching up on Mad Men and watching YouTube music videos. It’s a great way to eek out the last steps toward a goal, but honestly it gets so boring. 

3. Walking outside. It’s frickin freezing but the fresh air does you good. Inclines are built in and you get to see what your neighbors are up to and if they have anything good on their curb to pillage. During these walks, I like to listen to my 90210 podcasts. 

4. Bartending. During my shifts, I get the 10k steps easily, but I don’t get the 30 mins of exercise burn. So I have to look elsewhere for that, but otherwise, I am the biggest fan of burning calories without extra effort. There are plenty of things to lift and terrain to cover when bussing dishes and grabbing that extra side of ranch. 

5. Dancing around the house. This is something new that we are embracing and loving. Dancing is good for the soul (and heart). Step in place while discussing what you did that day. Practice dancing for the wedding. Show off your 90s signature moves (Tootsie Roll and Poison). Don’t be afraid to look ridiculous. Turn on some music while doing the mundane and shake that body. 

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