5 Things I'm Into

5 Things I’m Into: Comediennes

This century, women rule comedy. They even managed to headline the Ghostbusters remake and take top billing away from the golden Chris Hemsworth. These are some chicks I’m into:
1. Leslie Mann. She’s been around forever, since she was “Big Boobs McGee” on Big Daddy and the girl who vomited strawberry daiquiri on the 40-year-old virgin, but I have been loving her lately in The Other Woman and How to Be Single.
2. Kristen Wiig. She’s just so weird but kind of normal at the same time. I think everyone can identify with her in Bridesmaids, and if you can’t, I kinda don’t want to hang out with you. Also, she is a kickass writer.

3. Tina Fey. Speaking of writers, she’s the queen bee. Sisters was my favorite movie this year, hands down. Her chemistry with Amy Poehler was even better here than in Baby Mama.
4. Kate McKinnon. She’s the breakout star who has been making SNL not only watchable, but enjoyable. I’m with her Hillary impression. Also, I’m a big fan of that Egon Spengler hairdo and is-she-or-isn’t-she-a-lesbanym schtick on Ghostbusters.
5. Julia Louis-Dreyfus. In my book, she takes the 90s. I didn’t just dig her on Seinfeld because she was an editor. She was spunky as hell and she charmed me even more in The New Adventures of Old Christine. I think I’ve only seen this show because for a stretch, I didn’t have cable, and reruns were on when I got home from work around 1-3AM. Christine is a horrible person and makes me cringe even more than everyone on The British Office combined.

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